Start projects right by making straight, accurate, splinter-free cuts with your circular saw and the Accu-Cut™ Circular Saw Track Guide. It rips, crosscuts and makes angled cuts up to 50" long in plywood, MDF, and other large panels with super-simple setup, precise accuracy, and amazing control.
The Accu-Cut™ guides your circular saw along an aluminum track that keeps the saw moving in a straight line easily. The Accu-Cut™ design makes it simple to set up by just aligning the track with your cut line. No clamps are required to hold the track in place thanks to dual guide strips. They feature an anti-slip coating to prevent slipping, and an anti-chip feature to prevent splintered cuts. Plus, the track makes it easy to make straight cuts on sheets that don't have a straight, flat edge.
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Burke, Gregory, & Winner South Dakota
Y o u r L o c a l l y O w n e d, H o m e t o w n B u i l d i n g C e n t e r s
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